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Gerry's FS2000 / FS2002 Aircraft Collection


Acrosport II


This is a detailed FS2000/2002 model of the ACROSPORT II built by my uncle, Dr. Arturo Hernandez of Tiffin OH. and Orlando,FL.
The model has animated surfaces, original panel, navigational lights and smoke system. It has great handling characteristics and framerates are great.

download Acrosport II (file size 541kb.)




This is a model of the RV-6A built by my friend Dr. Ed Estrada, also of Tiffin, OH.
Features animated surfaces, original panel, navigational lights and smoke system.

download RV-6A (file size 718kb.)


 T-Bird II


This model is based on photos provided by my friend Dean Orr. He has flown this ultralight during Sun'N Fun and his enthusiasm for it drove me to create this model.
Features animated surfaces, original instrument panel, detailed Rotax engine and sound. Great for VFR sightseeing flying.

download the T Bird II (file size 195kb.)